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LECTURE 5   Oct 2, 2013


"Not Factual, But Stil True" - Knowing the World: Myth

Main Points:

  • Myths increase our understanding of the world by teaching the “penultimate truth” (Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth) about human experiences, values and emotions

  • Myths offer important distinctions among cultures, while instructing us on universal ideas

  • Hero myths offer a model for living life, teach us different ways to be heroic and remind us that encountering and overcoming challenges is a constant in life

Video Links:
1. Monomyth in Film: Departure (The Call to Adventure) 

2. Monomyth in Film: Initiation (The Road of Trials) 

3.  Monomyth in Film: Return (The Magic Flight) 


Further Information:


Campbell, J.  (2004).  The hero with a thousand faces (Commemorative ed.).  Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.  (originally published 1968).

Campbell, J. with Moyers, B.  (1988).  The Power of Myth.  NY: Anchor Books.

*interview excerpts available at:

Joseph Campbell Foundation:

Truth from Fiction: Lessons from Zombie movies:


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